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Mount San Jacinto Peak Photo: 'Sunrise over Palm Springs from Skyline Trail 11/25/22Skyline Trail 11/25/22 Jared & Gino' by James Alvernaz

Sunrise over Palm Springs from Skyline Trail 11/25/22Skyline Trail 11/25/22 Jared & Gino, Mount San Jacinto Peak
user: James Alvernaz
photo taken at: 4:49 am 25 Nov 2022

Sunrise over Palm Springs from Skyline Trail 11/25/22Skyline Trail 11/25/22 Jared & Gino

United States | Mount San Jacinto Peak

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San Jacinto with micro spikes. 1.5 mile to Welman Divide. 11/25/22 James Alvernaz & sons Jared 21 & Gino 23.