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San Gabriel Peak Photo: 'Mt. Markham and San Gabriel Peak From 100" Dome Catwalk, Mt. Wilson ' by Michael Deak

Mt. Markham and San Gabriel Peak From 100" Dome Catwalk, Mt. Wilson
user: Michael Deak (9 photos)
photo taken at: 12:36 pm 12 Jul 2011

Mt. Markham and San Gabriel Peak From 100" Dome Catwalk, Mt. Wilson

United States | San Gabriel Peak

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Mt. Markham (flat summit), 5742 ft., San Gabriel Peak, 6162 ft. (Occidental Peak, 5732 ft. is in middle ground between Markham and San Gabriel) The photo was taken from the 100" dome catwalk. I ran this telescope from 10-1979 until I was laid off first part of March 1982.